Every time I see an article published on a national website that has something to do with home inspections, I see some version of a guy wearing a hardhat and holding a clipboard. If you think I’m exaggerating, do a google image search for “home inspector” and see what pops up. I made the compilation below by doing an image search for “home inspector”.

See?! This is what google thinks we look like!
The problem is that home inspectors do not wear hard hats. To make it easier for people to find real images of home inspectors doing their thing, I’m sharing some images from a photoshoot my team did at the beginning of 2020. Anyone is welcome to use any of these photos, and you don’t need to ask permission. Click on any of these photos for a full-screen image. If you insist on asking me for permission, I’ll give it with a smile. You’re welcome.
Also, thank you to Justin Cox Photography for the fine work.