Below is a list of commonly misused or mistaken terms that I hear every day – sometimes from other home inspectors, but mostly from clients. This will hopefully clear up some misused or mistaken terms. Feel free to add to the list!
- Furnace For a furnace, you'll see two plastic pipes running to the furnace – one for air coming in, one for combustion gases going out. A condensing furnace with only one plastic pipe is not a direct vent.
- Gas Fireplace For a decorative gas appliance (aka – gas fireplace), you'll typically see a metal termination at the exterior of the home, where the outer 'ring' brings air in, and the inner ring exhausts combustion gas. The photo at right shows the termination for a gas fireplace.
- Water Heater Direct vent water heaters are not common in Minnesota – I think I've seen two in my life. Powervent water heaters are. A powervent water heater will have a single plastic pipe to force the exhaust gases to the exterior.
Attic – Attics are defined as "The unfinished space between the ceiling joists of the top story and roof rafters". Many people refer to attic spaces as 'crawl spaces', but 'attic' is a much more specific term.
Sheetrock®, Durock®, Romex®… They're all brand names, just like Kleenex®. Better terms would be gypsum board or drywall, cement board, and NM (non-metallic) wire, respectively.
Overflow Pipe I've heard many people use this term to refer to the pipe that gets connected to the temperature and pressure relief valve on a water heater. I really don't know what the best term for this pipe is, but it's certainly not an overflow pipe. I awkwardly refer to it as the "temperature and pressure relief valve discharge pipe" or "relief valve discharge pipe".
Joyce Joist
Acrost Across
Footer Footing
House Geek Home Inspector
Reuben Saltzman, Structure Tech Home Inspections - Email - Minnesota Home Inspections
RELATED POST: Misconceptions About Furnaces And Water Heaters