The average home inspection fee in Minnesota is $438. This is based on a price survey of all the home inspectors we could find in Minnesota. We conducted this survey during the fall and winter of 2024.
Who are these Minnesota home inspectors?
Because there is no licensing here in Minnesota, there is no way to get an official list of everyone who calls themselves home inspectors. However, there are two national organizations for home inspectors, and I believe most professional home inspectors in Minnesota belong to at least one of these two. One is the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), and the other is the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). We conducted similar price surveys in 2012, 2016, and 2021. ASHI home inspectors charge an average of $464, and InterNACHI inspectors charge an average of $425.
The numbers
We found 174 companies to survey. Of those, we got prices from 83 companies. We started by looking for online pricing, and if we couldn’t find that, we emailed the inspector. If we didn’t get a response, we texted. And if that didn’t work, we left a voicemail. Of the 91 companies from which we didn’t get prices, most didn’t respond. But a handful refused to share their price with us, and a few gave wide price ranges, so we didn’t include their responses.
Home inspection prices will vary significantly based on the size and age of a home, so we based this on a single-family home that was 2,000 square feet, built in 1990.
The purpose of this survey is for informational purposes only and does not involve any recommendations, agreements, or intent to influence market behavior. I appreciate having this information, and that’s why I’m sharing it. This information is helpful for REALTORS®, home buyers, and other home inspectors. Many websites and news articles publish average home inspection fees, but they’re always national averages. I like having more specific information about my own market. My company charges $556 for this same inspection, making our fee almost 27% higher than average. We’ve never claimed to be the cheapest and have transparent, up-front pricing on our website. Past surveys: