There’s little doubt that an esthetically pleasing yard is a boon to a home’s resale value; a garden, too, can positively impact a home’s attractiveness. According to, “a messy garden can put off sales and can decrease the value of a home. A tidy, well-kept garden or yard says to an appraiser or buyer that your home is open and welcoming. A beautiful garden that is well landscaped can increase the value of a home.”
Many homeowners, however, are not adept at keeping a garden, or feel too overwhelmed to even try. If a garden plot hasn’t been prepared when the home was purchased, the process of creating one can be daunting. From selecting the proper light/shade combination, removing grass, and turning the soil, then choosing the appropriate desired plants, embedding them to allow for maximum growth, watering regularly, protecting from hungry woodland creatures, and weeding… the prospect of actually harvesting vegetables can seem light years away.
While the local garden store or farmers market may shed light on getting started in the garden, University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener™ program is a unique resource available to the public. Master Gardeners teach a wide variety of gardening and horticulture classes in their communities throughout the year. They also host diagnostic clinics and information booths at farmers markets and other public sites during the growing season to help provide citizens with research-based solutions to their gardening problems.
To get a feel for their knowledge and expertise, plan to attend the Master Gardener Program’s Learning Garden Tour, which takes place rain or shine on Saturday, July 12, from 9am to 4pm. Tourists will visit gardens in the Minneapolis neighborhoods of Northeast, Southeast, and Longfellow–including a community garden. Swag can be purchased at the Garden Shed, located in Garden C.
For information, or to order $15 advance tickets (group packages are also available), visit This is a self-guided tour of eight Hennepin County gardens designed and maintained by U of M Extension Master Gardeners. Proceeds benefit Hennepin County Master Gardener community programs.
Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions about myriad topics, including:
- Shade gardening
- Pollinators
- Intro to veggies
- Composting
- Hops and beer making
- Raingardens
- Perennials
- Container gardening
Have a question? Ask a Gardener on the Extension website. Find out online about other Master Gardener events in your county, or learn how to become a Master Gardener.
Angela Anderson, Real Estate Associate–EMAIL, BIO
HomesMSP Team with RE/MAX Results helping you plant roots in the Twin Cities–Sharlene, John, Angela
- Sunday's Site – Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary, Minneapolis
- New Sculpture Garden at MN Arboretum… great place to see fall color
- Flowers are blooming at Lyndale Park