Here in Minnesota in the land of 10,000 frozen lakes, we love to whine about our long, dark winter, and our deep dark frozen landscape. Why do we seem to detest this time of year?
Yes, it is cold and yes, it is dark. Temps in MN tonight are forecast for -15! But, what if we can slightly shift our perspective and make an effort to embrace that darkness? In mid-January, we are past the darkest day, December 21, '09; and we are well on our way to the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2010. Spring will come again, just as it does every year.
In our western culture, we tend to disregard and be somewhat fearful of the dark months. But, if we remember that this is once again the earth's cycle of renewal, we just might be able to enjoy this time of year. This dark period is a time for us to rest and reflect as we plan and look forward to the coming year. It is also a time to gather with family and friends and share the warmth of hearth and home.
And so, wherever your home is right now, plan to celebrate and embrace this time of darkness. Without it, we will not have spring and new birth. Look forward to the transition from darkness to light, once again.
"Hail the new, ye lads and lassies, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la,la!"
Beata Rydeen, Professional Life Coach - Email - Website