I stage homes and help people update/remodel before selling . But I also help people downsize, declutter, organize and pack their possessions. Basically I do whatever it takes to help a client get their home on the market to sell quickly!
I had a potential Client call today. They've been in their home for 40 years and want to move to a Senior Cooperative. He told me they need help. The said they have "stuff all over"!!. And they know that the house has to be cleaned out before he sells. He doesn't know if he's going to hire my services or not and had a lot of questions about the process.
So that led me to today's column. I teach classes to people who are trying to move and get rid of some of their possessions. Most are overwhelmed at the thought of beginning to downsize and declutter. Here's what I tell them:
Before you start, determine a timetable and stick to it! Or, you'll never finish….which is probably why I get hired 🙂
Begin in the least used areas of your home.
Figure out what percentage you need to reduce. You may be moving from a 1,500 square foot home to a 750 square foot home. So a general rule of thumb is that 50% of your furniture/possessions needs to go. That doesn't mean that you need to take out 50% of every room. You might keep everything from a Master bedroom and remove everything from a spare bedroom. Just so when you get done, you have about 50% less!
I always use the "One Year Rule". If you haven't used it or looked at it for over one year, chances are your don't need it!
We all receive the donation envelopes for the Lupus Foundation or Disabled Vets that has a bag to donate and a number to call to arrange for pick up. Everytime you get one, call immediately! It will force you to go through your house and find something to give away because you know they're coming.
When you start sorting, sort in to four piles:
I can guarantee that your "keep" pile will be the biggest. But once you've sorted a room, think about the percentage you have to remove and the "keep" pile will get smaller.
Once you're done, you will feel great about donating things to those who need them. You can have an Estate Sale too. I've written before about Ebenezer Hearts and Hands Estate Sales. They're a non-profit and are great people to work with. http://www.fairviewebenezer.org/Programs_and_Services/c_115998.asp
It's also a great time to have a garage sale or give items to family/friends.
All in all, when you're done you will feel great and your home will sell faster.
Good information and advice. I often find we move our clients to a new home and they have way to much. Items are stacked everywhere. It is so much less stressful for the client when it fits properly. Smiles instead of tears.