Last week I wrote about a pumpkin colored bath I needed to stage. While I wouldn't have picked it for staging purposes, it was there and I didn't have a choice. So, I staged the master bedroom with the same color scheme and it turned out really well!
This same house has a very nice family room in the lower level:
Adjoining that room is a bathroom that has an emerald green vanity and floor. It was decorated with a matching green rug and shower curtain. Since this color is a little dated, I did not want to draw attention to it. So I pulled out all of the current towels etc and replaced them with brown and tan accessories.
The new accessories really diffused the green color and updated the entire room.
So when you can't change a color, you can decorate around it making the house flow. And if you have a dated color, take the focus away from it with a neutral color. It works and the house will be ready to sell!
Great tips! It seems most of my clients these days are looking for low cost ways of preparing their homes for the market.