As I keep saying, in staging….less is more.
Almost always, when I stage a home, I have to take out some furniture and accessories. Because the Client is selling, I’m often asked "where are we going to put everything?"
As a professional Stager, I am able to pass along a discount to PODS and some local storage facilities. But, yes there is definitely a monthly cost for storage.
Of course we’ve been asked to move everything to basements and garages, but you have to be careful that you don’t create another problem……making those areas look too small! If you choose to go this direction, it’s helps to put up a sign that says something fun, like "EXCUSE THE BOXES…..WE’RE MOVING!!" or "UNDER CONSTRUCTION…WE’RE MOVING!!"
I love plastic bins, so you can put accessories in those and utilize closet space. We’ve also purchased the lower flat ones and packed them with extra sheets/towels etc. They slide very easily under beds and then you have created more room in closets. Plastic bins look neat and tidy…and are ready to move!
My best suggestion is to use the "move" as an opportunity to do a little downsizing and decluttering. There are so many wonderful local charities that could use your help. Many will come and pick up anything you have, and… will have less to move! Of course, moving makes it’s a great time to have a garage sale…but we know, in Minnesota, we only have a few months to do that! I think Craigslist is also another great tool. People sell everything on that website!
So reconsider "loading up" the basement and garage and take the opportunity to declutter yourself before you move!
Jeri Pischke