“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” – Confucius
NOTE: I spend my Wednesdays Unplugged from appointments. It’s my day to stay home, enjoy cooking and welcome our kids and grandkids for dinner in the evening. We end our meal with quotes from the Norwegian ‘Quote Cup’ passed on to me from my grandmother. I share a quote and a recipe here each week, along with an update and photos of what has been going on in our lives. I love trying new recipes…and love getting recipes you would like to share!
It’s hard to believe that just a week ago we were in idyllic, historic Stonington, CT… and even harder to believe temps were 74 degrees this first week of November in Golden Valley!
The hardest part of making good pizza is the dough for the crust. We heard it took them a while before finding this great recipe, which they shared from The Brooklyn Kitchen. Jeff made the dough the night before… Jeff and John created four mini pizzas with different toppings to cook in their outdoor pizza oven. The toppings for the one below were sausage, mushrooms and green olives with olive oil and Mozzarella cheese.