We decided we would return to our traditional opening day visit to the Minnesota State Fair this year after a two-year Covid hiatus. It had been many years since we drove our car rather than take the bus, but decided this was the year to go back to driving and parking in the north lot.
We queued up in the line of cars along Larpenteur waiting to enter the parking lot a little after 7:00 am. Our son texted at 7:22 am… “Are you in line to get into parking?”… when we were finally getting close to the gate at a little after 8:00 am he texted, “I guess that’s why we camp!” For many years they have rented a camping space on the fairgrounds and simply drive in the night before, then wake up in the midst of the fair when it is coming to life… smart, and an enjoyable experience.
Our granddaughter greeted us with her surprise green fluorescent hair (love it!) at Cinni Smith’s stand near where we entered. When we came in there was no line for these fabulous soft, decadent mini cinnamon rolls with caramel topping and cream cheese icing… by the time we were enjoying our rolls there was already a lineup. Love the wide-open walk into the heart of the fairgrounds… even my favorite French Fries didn’t have a wall of people standing in line.
It was cool and lightly misting first thing when we got there, but it warmed up both in sunshine/temperature and in the number of people there as the day wore on.
We rode the Skyglider back up to the north end entrance when it was time to go, under bright sunny skies… people were there but the streets weren’t packed.
Our final stop before we headed back to our car was for cheese curds. As we sat down to munch, a woman seated next to us said they finally got into the parking lot… after circling for five hours!!! I guess it pays to arrive early… we may try to arrive even earlier next year!