“If you sweep a house, and tend its fires and fill its stove, and there is love in you all the years you are doing this, then you and that house are married, that house is yours.” – Truman Capote
NOTE: I spend my Wednesdays Unplugged from appointments. It’s my day to stay home, enjoy cooking and welcome our kids and grandkids for dinner in the evening. We end our meal with quotes from the Norwegian ‘Quote Cup’ passed on to me from my grandmother. I share a quote and a recipe here each week, along with an update and photos of what has been going on in our lives. I love trying new recipes…and love getting recipes you would like to share!
This was the week John’s computer died… thank goodness for smart phones, Zoom meetings can continue! Exciting to get a new laptop, not so exciting setting it up!
I have shared this recipe before, but it is one of our favorite snacks… and what is SuperBowl weekend without snacks!
- 44 club crackers
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 1 cup butter
- 2.25 ounces sliced almonds
Place 44 club crackers in foil-lined jelly roll pan. Boil butter and sugar 2-3 minutes, until it thickens. Pour over crackers. Sprinkle almonds on top. Bake at 300 degrees F for 22 minutes. Remove from oven and rearrange nuts as necessary.
The next is very important or you will have the devil to pay!
Score, remove to sheet of foil with pancake turner – then transfer to paper towel to blot all that good butter. (These may be eaten frozen.)