In my first two posts in this Curb Appeal series I address Inexpensive Curb Appeal Tips as well as Moderately Priced Improvements. Now I want to address those that are more expensive.
Almost everyone needs to do the Inexpensive Improvements if they are selling their home or as regular maintenance while they live in their home. Most home owners will fall into needing to do some of the Moderately priced items as well.
Not as many homeowners will need to do the "Big Ticket" items but if the home is a higher end property you may need to do these for selling. Otherwise these are things you would want to do for your enjoyment now that will add value and a larger return on your investment down the road when you sell.
Replace Driveway and/or replace sidewalk with pavers:
There comes a point when the driveway just cannot be salvaged. It has sunk, bubbled, or cracked so bad it just needs to be torn up and replaced. For higher end homes a walkway of pavers is a wonderful approach to your home.
Create/Add an entry addition:
This can actually make a huge impact to a home. A tiny small front step or lack of any foyer or entryway can not only be awkward but lack appeal. By adding a small addition to the front of your home by altering the facade can be the ticket. This entrance addition can even include columns for even more 'wow' factor.
Add Stone to the Front of the House:
Beautiful faux or natural stone to even the bottom third of the home can increase not only the curb appeal but create the look of a higher end home.
Remember…these improvements listed would not be made JUST for selling unless you have a high end home. These are improvement to make to your home now that you can enjoy for a few year before selling. Your Return on Investment will not be large enough for low to mid-level priced homes to do for selling purposes only in the short term.
If you missed the first two parts of this series here they are:
Moderate Priced Curb Appeal Tips
Shar Sitter, owner Rooms With Style Home Staging and Redesign Minneapolis MN.
CHSE and APSD Home Stager Pro Trainer