Dayton's started its annual animated holiday show back in 1963 with "Santa's Enchanted Forest". Over the years its themes have included "Peter Pan", "The Nutcracker", "Harry Potter" and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". Macy's continues this wonderful family holiday tradition with this year's 46th annual show – "A Day in the Life of an Elf". It tells the story of Santa's elves at the North Pole getting ready for Christmas.
The elaborate display starts with the elves getting up in the morning and follows throughout their day. It includes singing trees in the Christmas Tree Forest and a captivating Santa's workshop …enough enchantment to bring about half a million visitors each year and delight young and old alike.
This 46th Annual Holiday Show followed by Santa visits and fresh gingerbread cookies continues through December 31st at Macy's Santaland, Macy's 8th floor auditorium, 700 Nicollet Mall in downtown Minneapolis.
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