Last year I started a tradition of ‘Wednesdays Unplugged’. Here is what I said on January 4, 2007…
Time seems to be such a rare commodity in today’s hectic world. We’re so technologically connected we tend to be on call 24/7, but our personal connections seem to suffer…as does our time to nurture ourselves and just ‘be’.
My response for 2007 is ‘Wednesdays Unplugged’…a day when I am unplugged from my computer, my cell phone, my appointments (my assistant is capably in charge for the day!) and simply ‘Take Time’…time during the day for me and time in the evening for our children and their families to gather with us around our table to connect and share a meal during the middle of a busy work week.
Yesterday was my first ‘Wednesday Unplugged’. It was interesting how strong the urge was to go down to my computer as I always do first thing in the morning. As the day went on, it became ever more apparent how great a gift these days will be…and how much it will challenge me to be truly ‘unplugged’ for the day. It made me think that this is what was meant by the admonition to ‘remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy’, counseling us on how important it is to take a day of rest from whatever our normal daily pursuits may be to refresh and nurture our souls.
Years ago my mother gave me a little hand-typed note which I still have on my bulletin board right next to my desk…I’ve copied it below. This is how I plan to focus my ‘Wednesdays Unplugged’…never mind if it spills over to the rest of the week!
Take time to think – it is the source of power
Take time to read – it is the foundation of wisdom
Take time to play – it is the secret of staying young
Take time to be quiet – it is the moment to seek God
Take time to be aware – it is the opportunity to help others
Take time to love and be loved – it is God’s greatest gift
Take time to laugh – it is the music of the soul
Take time to be friendly – it is the road to happiness
Take time to dream – it is what the future is made of
Take time to pray – it is the greatest power on earth
Little did I know when I started this tradition what an impact it would have on our lives. Now, nearly a year and a half later, Wednesday is a highlight of the week not only for me but for our whole family. It’s a night when nobody but me has to worry about ‘what’s for dinner’ but they know they’ll get a good home-cooked meal…it’s a time when I can enjoy cooking, which I don’t usually have time to do…it’s a time to just relax and connect.
This is Wednesday, so I’m not really here…thanks to the magic of technology I’m really listening to jazz and cooking a great meal.
From now on I’ll be sharing bits of the magic of ‘Wednesdays Unplugged’ along with a recipe and quote each week. Until next week…