It is always interesting to hear about the impacts of Home Staging from our clients, how it has brought more people in to see thier home and many times brought a higher price. It is also interesting to read about the impact of Home Staging through statistics.
One such statistic I recently read was from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) where within a survey they asked many questions of both buyer’s agents and seller’s agents.
This statistic caught my eye: “Only seven percent of respondents said that home staging had NO effect on the buyer’s view of the home.” WOW!! Only 7%!
That is an astounding statistic in my view. So 93% of agents felt home staging had an effect on the buyer’s view of the home they viewed.
Home Staging is not getting rid of everything in the house and bringing in all new furnishings. Home Staging is not doing a total remodel of a home. Home Staging can be as simple as doing a consultation with a client and giving them tips on how to make their home show better by rearranging furniture, taking items out, doing small repairs and maintenance and cleaning.
Yes, there are times when bringing furnishings into a few rooms in a home are needed and make a huge impact. Talk to your agent and talk with a professional Home Stager and determine the best way to get your home in top selling condition.