"Do today what others won't so you can live tomorrow like others can't."
"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention."
Both of these quotes have no attribution, but say a lot about who we are and what we do in this world. Making a difference day by day, person by person is challenging, but so rewarding. But you have to stick your neck out, maybe just a little, and literally you change the world.
LRT and the Neighbors
I know I go on about the new Light Rail Transit a lot, but it hit me again as I walked along University Avenue this past week how it impacts so many people.
Sure the businesses along University Avenue benefit and that's great, but the people in housing near the line get to work or school using this new transportation system. Think about the colleges, universities and schools near University Avenue, all those students who can get around so much more easily.
Speaking of the neighboring homes, I walked down a street a few blocks north of University and was pleased to see nice homes, regular neighborhoods. The Midway area is turning around with new development with new people revitalizing the environment.
With Hamline and the University of Minnesota, among others, so close to the rail line the community and students all benefit.
So . . .
Life is good! Take it all in.
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John Hensrud, Realtor