How To Get Rid Of Dandelions

They're back!  Yes, it's the time of year where we're seeing a lot of dandelions pop up.  Since Buyers will make an initial impression of your home the moment they see the outside, it's important that your lawn looks healthy and green.  Obviously, you can use weedkillers to rid yourself of dandelions.  But, you have to be careful that they don't harm your children or pets.  I found this article in EHow with some ways to stop the growth of these weeds.  There are some interesting ways to kill them without using chemicals.


Dandelions are a common weed. Since their texture and color is so different from turf, they really stand out and can ruin the look of a lawn. Dandelions are difficult to control. One dandelion plant can produce up to 15,000 seeds that can survive for six years in the soil, so follow these steps to get rid of dandelions.

  1. Grow a dense, healthy lawn. Thick grass blocks sunlight that the dandelions need to germinate and crowds them out.

  2. Mow often when dandelions are in bloom to prevent the flowers from turning into seeds.

  3. Dig out the roots with a trowel or a special tool called a "dandelion digger" for digging out dandelions. Work the end, which looks like a screwdriver, into the soil and pull up the whole weed.

  4. Cover the plants with cardboard, black plastic or landscape fabric. To make the cover more aesthetically pleasing, top it with mulch.

  5. Pour boiling water over the dandelions, or apply synthetic weed killers or organic solutions like vinegar or corn gluten meal. Corn gluten meal applied every spring will create a weed-free lawn over time. Use synthetic weed killers carefully and as a last resort, since they can be dangerous to the turf, pets and humans.

  6. Pick the leaves and flowers. This won't get rid of the dandelions, but removing the yellows flowers will keep them from reaching the stage where they release new seeds. Picking the leaves will starve the root's nutrients.
  • Dandelion greens are high in vitamins C and A, and also contain magnesium, iron, calcium and other minerals. They can be used in salads (if they haven't been treated with pesticides) and also make a nutritious compost.

Jeri Pischke, Tender Heart TransitionsEmailWebsite  

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