You don’t have to sell your home to "stage" it. Sometimes it’s just nice to declutter yourself now versus when you want to move.
Staging to Live means having less stuff in your life. Stuff brings stress. The more you have, the more you have to take care of, which means less time for you. More stuff, more stress. This cycle goes on and on, until you put a stop to it. The impact of clutter is strong. It can make children crabby and adults bicker.
When you’re Staging to Live, you need to ask yourself: Is there anything in this room that can be removed or moved to another place in the house? What can I put away and/or do without? What haven’t I used for a long time?? (As usual), do this room by room!
When things settle into a routine or pattern, you stop seeing them. Ask a friend to walk through your house and ask questions too. Everything in your home should be clean and fresh…If you need help, you can hire someone. But you can also trade services with that same friend too. If you don’t like to clean, babysit in exchange for cleaning. It can be a win-win for both of you.
I have to go now…..I need to listen to what I write!!
Jeri Pischke