Moving is a big undertaking that can be very stressful if you don’t take the time to make a plan. The biggest pitfall for most people who end up having a poor experience is a lack of organization. If you spend some time getting organized beforehand you won’t have to worry about so many things on moving day.
Use these tips to get organized before you move:
- Take a minimalist approach
Some people like to live a minimalist lifestyle where they don’t have many physical possessions besides the simple things in life. You don’t have to become a monk who shuns worldly possessions, but you could probably lose some of the stuff you have now without missing it in the future. Think about your new home when you go through your stuff. If you can’t see the exact place it’s going to go and what purpose it’s going to serve, then get rid of it. Donate it to charity or throw it out if they won’t accept it for whatever reason. The less junk you have to move the better.
- Plan for your situation
The particulars of any move are usually unique and require unique plans as a result. Logistics seem to be a huge issue for some people, so make sure you have everything under control from the beginning. I’ve seen people who have a gap of two days between their old home and new home who forgot to make a plan. They ended up having to figure something out at the last minute and it was less than ideal. Put everything down on a calendar, and if the timeline isn’t working out make sure to plan for it. You might need to put your things in storage for a short period of time or find a temporary home with a friend or at a hotel. You can plan for almost any situation, but it’s extremely difficult to solve problems like these in the moment.
– Take it slow
Moving usually doesn’t come out of nowhere. You have time before moving day, and it’s to your advantage to use all that time wisely. Don’t wait until the week before to cram everything you need to do into a short amount of time. It’s tempting to put all the stress off, but it’s infinitely better to take the work in little chunks. You wouldn’t try to climb a mountain on the last day if I gave you a week, and the same is true of moving. Start early and work a little bit each day to keep your sanity intact.
If you follow these tips you’ll actually enjoy your move. Getting into a new home is exciting, so enjoy it!
Guest Author: Lisa is a blogger at Self Storage Deals, the leading price-focused search engine for finding deals from storage units in Colorado Springs to storage units in McAllen.
” Moving To new place brings real stress but if it is organized properly.. one really enjoys the same and cherish those memories later.. i too went through the phase and involved each member of the family….. from adults to children and made them to organize the things according to the work allotted to them.. and to our utter surprise all went well..moreover we enjoyed moving to our new home..
.thanks for providing this post as it includes most of the points that one should take into consideration while planning and organizing the move ”